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Where Shift Happens

When you need to uncover a practical vision, generate ownership, debrief a project, craft concrete plans, bridge differing viewpoints, create focus, and more.


The Strategist Way has you covered.

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Collaboration Opportunities



P.A.T.H. (Planning for Alternative Tomorrows with Hope) is for those individuals or organizations who want to uncover their North Star to generate focus, motivation, and excitement. 


In this one-time, 3-hour session, we will explore and get clear on your vision, ground it in the now, and chart your PATH for the next 12-24 months with specific, time-oriented goals that bring your idea or project to life.


Within 24 hours of our session, you will receive a personalized P.A.T.H. Map to guide you along your way.



Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration

For those who want to transform their discussions, meetings, strategic planning, and initiatives into something extraordinary. Stimulating deeper understanding, fresh thinking, and transformation through structure and process.


I build and facilitate structured engagements using leading edge and proven processes to maximize participation, identify underlying and undermining commitments, uncover individual and group wisdom, and generate both actionable and innovative next steps.


Coaching & Development

For those individuals and small groups who want to take their life or business to the next level, be more present, and engage with themselves and others in more meaningful ways.


My areas of specialty include:

Gestalt coaching, listening and communication, conflict transformation, change design, futures and foresight, and creative thinking.






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About Me

Curious-Minded | Strategic Thinker | Process Enthusiast

I founded The Strategist Way after working in many different settings and discovering that organizations and individuals have a treasure trove of wisdom, experience, ideas, and innovation hiding in familiar places just waiting to be expressed. My passion is getting all levels of the organization and the whole individual engaged and working together to deliver relevant and innovative solutions. 

I've been stuck on how to move my project forward for almost 6 months. I reached out to Jessica and within 3 hours had a plan and a PATH!  The process was absolutely delightful. Uncovering the motivating wants and needs under my surface desire to get unstuck created a profound shift in me and the project itself. I can't recommend Jessica and the P.A.T.H. process highly enough.

- Lisa Lehr, Abundant Enneagram

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Why TSW?

Create | Engage | Resolve

Because no matter your outcome, you want high engagement, creative solutions, and firm resolve. You want a strategic partner who is attentive to your needs and goals, asks powerful questions, challenges appropriately, and designs one-of-a-kind engagements employing innovative and relevant facilitation and coaching approaches that bring about exceptional results.


The Strategist Way approach is founded on a deep understanding that engaged participation is critical for successful outcomes. When the wisdom and creativity of an individual or group is accessed, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts and simple, new possibilities with high resolve emerge.


As a human living in this time, I understand the push and pull of current commitments with the possibility of something new and different. When you partner with me, you can expect a level of care and excellence that is grounded, focused, creative, and safe. By having this protected space, you can explore your possible futures in the here and now and identify the actions needed today to align and attune to that desired future.  



Are you ready for a shift?

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